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The Wheel of Fortune card and its symbolism explained

The Wheel of Fortune card, because nothing is certain except change itself, reminds us all that what goes up must also come down.

Whatever the situation, the Wheel of Fortune always reminds us that “this too shall pass”. Whether you’re at the peak of glory or in the depths of despair, it will pass.

The Wheel of Fortune card from the Rider Tarot Deck

General Overview of this Major Arcana

Although the wheel is mythologically linked to the Roman goddess Fortuna, symbolizing good or bad luck, the tarot card doesn’t focus as much on fate but rather on cyclical activity, continuous change, and the core of movements and actions that create effects.
This is the card of universal, cyclical, and personal change. It represents recognizing a recurring pattern of events, which is why it’s sometimes associated with the laws of karma, the principle of cause and effect.

It’s a swift card, full of dynamic movement, that signals rapid developments and surprising situations that life throws our way.

Whatever the situation, the Wheel of Fortune always reminds us that “everything passes”. Whether you’re living through the brightest and happiest moment or the darkest and most tragic, it will pass.

Nothing escapes the cycle of life, so everything begins, ends, and starts again in an unceasing cycle of change.

The four figures in the corners of the card represent both the four fixed zodiac signs and the four elements.

They represent the forces (both internal and external) that can help or hinder us in our life’s cycle.

Key Associations and Concepts of the Wheel of Fortune Card

General Upright Meanings

Good luck, karma, life cycles, destiny, a turning point, a stroke of luck, chance in your favor, opportunity, changes.
Also movement, winning, ups and downs, destiny, a chance encounter that can change your life, what goes around comes around, a definite yes.

General Reversed Meanings

Periods of bad luck, negative external forces, being out of control, a stroke of bad luck, misfortune, failure, things not going your way.
It also indicates entering a period of challenges or difficulties, disappointments, unexpected setbacks, or an outright no.


Associated with the Hebrew letter Yod ( י).


Represents the number 10: (1+2+3+4) = the totality of the cosmos, as (1 is God, 2 is matter, 3 is the physical world, and 4 is reproduction).


Associated with the element of Fire (🜂) and with autumn.


Associated with the planet Jupiter ( ♃ ), which represents luck, growth, expansion, and enthusiasm. Also, with the sign of Sagittarius ( ♐ ).

Notable Symbols in the Wheel of Fortune Card

14 Symbolically Significant Graphic Elements

The Wheel of Fortune card and its symbolism explained


angel in the wheel of fortuneRepresents the sign of Aquarius (Element: Air).
This sign represents efforts for social well-being and is known for a controlled yet inspired intellect.



eagle in the wheel of fortuneRepresents the sign of Scorpio (Element: Water).
This sign has long been considered a symbol of death and decay, but modern astrologers focus on its regenerative qualities.

Scorpio rules over the organs of regeneration, sexual intensity, and the birth-growth-death cycle.


lion in the wheel of fortuneRepresents the sign of Leo (Element: Fire).
It’s linked to children, romantic relationships, creativity, and the development of individual personality. Vitality and strong will are its distinctive traits.


bull in the wheel of fortuneRepresents the sign of Taurus (Element: Earth).
It’s connected to fertile, growing earth energy and abundant development.

Taurus stabilizes the drive of other signs, grounding ideas in the earth. It’s a symbol of untamed power.


wings in the wheel of fortuneEven though these are fixed signs, they all have wings. Associated with angels, wings generally represent heavenly (higher) qualities and liberation.
They also represent movement, change, and action.



book in the wheel of fortuneThe book that each figure in the corners holds (and studies) is the Torah, which represents wisdom.


Hebrew Letters

hebrew letters in the wheel of fortuneIn the central wheel are the Hebrew letters IHVH (Iod Heh Vau Heh) of the Tetragrammaton, the unpronounceable name of God.
When read counterclockwise, the Arabic letters may also refer to Hathor, Athor, or Ator, the Great Mother.



Torah in the wheel of fortuneInterspersed with the Hebrew letters, we can see how a word is formed that can be read forwards and backwards.
The word TORAH (read counterclockwise) can also be read as TARO (read clockwise), which in turn translates to TAROT when it returns to where it began.


serpent in the wheel of fortuneThe serpent descending the left side of the Wheel of Fortune is the Egyptian god Typhon, the god of evil.
The serpent also represents life force and descending into the material world.



Hermanubis in the wheel of fortuneAt the bottom of the wheel, there’s the red figure of Hermanubis, a human figure with a jackal’s head.
This is a god resulting from the combination of Hermes (Greek mythology) with Anubis (Egyptian mythology).

Both gods shared similar tasks, including guiding souls, which is why they merged into this single figure.


sphinx in the wheel of fortuneThe sphinx, a symbol of great importance in the Chariot card, appears here in blue at the top of the wheel, representing balance, stability amid movement.
It also represents great secrets and, possibly, the collective unconscious.

It’s also a symbol of life’s mysteries.

Alchemical Symbols

alchemical symbols in the wheel of fortuneThe central wheel contains the alchemical symbols for Mercury, representing consciousness and the source of all opposites, therefore, the ego.
We find Sulfur, which refers to passion, activity, will, and motivation.

Water, representing one of the fundamental alchemical processes, dissolution.

And finally, Salt, reflecting ignorance and inertia that lead to human suffering. Together, they symbolize the building blocks of life, the four elements, and represent formative power.

Spokes or Rays

spokes in the wheel of fortuneThe eight spokes on the Wheel of Fortune represent radiant universal energy, as well as the eight Sabbats of the year.
They also symbolically connect to the eight-petaled lotus (regeneration and renewal) or the eight basic trigrams of the I Ching.



circle in the wheel of fortuneThe outer circle of the wheel symbolizes the material world, and the blue sky represents wisdom.

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