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The Fool card and its graphic symbols

The Fool card is technically the only unnumbered card in the Major Arcana. It represents each of us—naive travelers through life—on a grand adventure to learn whatever experience can teach us.

Beginnings, innocence, spontaneity, and a free spirit are the dominant traits of the Fool. In general, this Major Arcana always indicates something new; as well as purity and great energy, straightforwardness, like a child’s open heart.

The Fool card and the symbolism present in its image

The Fool is connected to the archetype of the wanderer, those who cast aside society’s status quo in an attempt to discover who they truly are or what they really desire.
Every time we begin a new experience in our life, the Fool archetype comes alive within us, as we feel curiosity, excitement, ambiguity, and fear of risk or embarrassment.

The figure of this Major Arcana is generally considered a positive card, with the caveat that it’s essential to take time to make sure you “watch where you’re going.” The Fool is regarded as the quintessence of the tarot deck, since the symbol of Quintessence is a point, representing zero.

Associations and Key Concepts in The Fool card


Upright Symbolism: Represents purity, ideals, spontaneity, gullibility, innocence, having a free spirit, new beginnings, adventure, potential, faith, bravery, a leap of faith, originality, acting without malice.

Reversed Symbolism: Represents hasty actions, not considering risks, gullibility, naivety, foolishness, taking excessive risks. Madness, stupidity, chaos, lack of direction, poor or weak judgment.

Kabbalistic: Associated with the Hebrew letter Shin ( ש ).

Numerology: Represents the number 4 (2+2= 4), wisdom, supreme reason.

Element: Associated with the element Air (????), but also with the other 3 elements, as its number 22 is (22=2+2= 4). It’s believed that the bundle or bag hanging on their back holds the 4 elements. The season linked to it is autumn.

Astrology: Associated with the planet Uranus ( ) representing independence, rebellion, freedom. Also linked to the sign of Aquarius (♒)

The Fool and its symbols

Key Symbols in Major Arcana 0


the number zero The zero, associated with The Fool card, reflects the Zen concept of nothingness, no fixed point, “the gaps between stages of development.” It represents nothingness and everything. It’s a number of unlimited potential.

It also represents Quintessence, as its symbol is a point, representing zero.

the color yellow The dominance of the color yellow represents intellect, positive mental activity and awareness, willpower, intention, external self-expression, change, and radiant energy.


the mountains The mountains, in this case snow-covered, represent both The Fool’s pilgrimage and the goals of personal pilgrimages and mystical journeys, namely finding oneself.

They suggest that The Fool’s need for this journey has always been within them. It’s what’s left behind, the place where the Fool has come from, the realms of the spirit, where they’ll try to return throughout their long journey.

the cliff The cliff, also called the Abyss, symbolizes the unknown and the depths that await The Fool in their discoveries. Being above suggests the superficiality of their personality at the start of the journey.

There’s an Underworld tradition called The Secret Path through the Abyss, which involves a series of related experiences that ultimately provide a radically altered awareness, not unlike The Fool’s journey.

the dog in tarotThe dog represents The Fool’s spirit guide or a “domesticated” warning to avoid the risks of the wild adventure. It’s the one who will protect them on the journey but also urges them to learn the lessons they’ve come to experience here.


the fool's bag in tarotThe Fool carries all the tools and resources they need in the bag that holds their personal belongings, but they haven’t opened it yet. It’s most commonly said that it contains untapped or unavailable knowledge.

Some suggest it contains memories of past experiences, information from the unconscious or karma, and the life force that drives The Fool on their journey.

Though it’s been identified in various ways, what appears to be a black eagle is painted on the front of the bag. If so, it suggests that through their journey, The Fool will need to purify and transform themselves.

the rose on the fool cardIn the rose, we find, once again, the balance of the two messages represented by this card: The Fool’s beautiful blind faith is as equal to the beauty of the rose, and caution is represented by the voice of reason seen in its thorns.

The rose is the driving force, the desired goal for which The Fool strives. The color indicates it’s a worthy goal to pursue; white, the color of purity, assures us that the adventure is worth it with each step.

the symbolism of the sun The great sun rising behind them represents the beginning of their journey. It represents energy, vitality, optimism, and self-confidence—distinct and authentic individual qualities—the drive to achieve a purpose with joy, enlightenment, honor, recognition, fame, and glory.


the fool's clothing In their clothing, we find that their shirt is white, symbolizing the purity of their intentions. As for the patterns, there are two interpretations—some consider them mandalas, representing the cosmos in miniature, the rotating movement of the creative universe.

Another interpretation is that they are eight-rayed wheels—there are ten, associating them with the ten sefirot of the Kabbalah, and the eight rays may represent both the Rose of the Winds and the eightfold model of consciousness.

Finally, their belt—some have suggested it symbolizes the seven planets and possibly the entire zodiac (if we include the parts not visible).

the laurel crownThe crown made of laurels symbolizes their victorious spirit. As for the feather, many scholars believe it’s a Phoenix feather, and thus, it symbolizes the rebirth that is to come.

You can find the symbols of all the cards in the tarot deck in my book “The Hidden Symbols” by clicking HERE

If you want to discover the full meaning of the Fool card and the entire tarot deck, you can purchase my book “Reading the Tarot” by clicking HERE.

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