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The Four of Cups: an inward card

The Four of Cups takes us to the intricate and vast inner world

The Four of Cups presents us with a unique scene: a young person sits under a tree, arms and legs crossed in a contemplative stance.

Graphic description of the card:

This contemplation, however, is directed inward since they seem to neither observe nor be interested in the three cups in front of them, which represent the material world and its attractions, nor in the cup being offered by a hand extending from a cloud, which represents the spiritual or divine realm.
The young person in the Four of Cups pays no attention to these offerings because they know and are convinced that the answers lie within. External influences can be a distraction and may not lead them to the goal they seek, even if those influences claim to be spiritual in nature.

This young person and their situation suggest the story of Buddha under the Bodhi tree, contemplating the state of the universe and determined to ascend until they reach the Truth.

They’re not taking the cup, and, in fact, they seem completely indifferent to everything. They neither look at nor accept this gift of love and opportunity because they are entirely absorbed in their inner world.

The Four of Cups upright:

The Four of Cups upright:
The Four of Cups upright:

General meaning:

The Four of Cups alludes to a moment when it’s important to look inward to find the answers you need. You won’t find them outside of yourself.
This card often appears during times of deep apathy, when you feel disconnected, bored, and unenthusiastic. Nothing seems to interest you. The mundane things of life grab your attention for only brief moments and seem to merely distract you.

It’s now imperative to turn inward to find the real answers to what’s happening and how you feel.

The Four of Cups can represent a sense of weariness from routine, doing the same things every day, feeling tired of a job or relationship. There’s a bit of tedium and possibly even a sense of disappointment, which might come from a particular situation or a specific person.

As a result, you’ve withdrawn into yourself, searching for peace that you can’t seem to find externally, as a way to discover the answers and solutions.

If you’ve been stuck in a cycle of complaining about what’s happening in your life, the Four of Cups urges you to “change the tune,” stop complaining, and take proactive steps to go within and start finding solutions.

There’s a strong defensive posture in this card. We see it in the body language of the young person sitting with their arms crossed. This suggests you may have been emotionally hurt in the past, and now, no matter how many good opportunities are presented to you (the cups being offered), you take a defensive stance, choosing not to see them, purely to protect your emotions.

This attitude may be valid, but it wouldn’t hurt to review the offers you’re receiving, as the past doesn’t necessarily have to repeat itself, and you may not be hurt again. Keep in mind that some opportunities only come around once, and it would be wise to at least consider them.

At the same time, the Four of Cups shows that opportunities will continue to be there, so there’s no rush to make a decision. The most important advice from this card is to go within and find your answers, meditating with full awareness.

A crucial note from the Four of Cups, since it speaks about routine, is that you might be taking things for granted—whether in your personal, romantic, or work life, or in any other area.

Even though the card suggests you may have all those things, it warns that you shouldn’t take them for granted. You need to nurture your relationships, your love life, or your job each day.

A major mistake people make is that we often don’t see the abundance we have. We’re always asking for and waiting for more, complaining about what we lack, without appreciating and being grateful for the many blessings we already have.

Thus, the Four of Cups urges you to value what you have because everything is fleeting and can disappear at any moment, which is why you should never take anything for granted.

The most negative aspect of this card is that it can indicate a moment when you’re being very stubborn and closed off, shutting yourself away in your own world and only focusing on your personal issues and interests, without paying attention to what others need or want.

There’s a bit of selfishness and a tendency to keep reliving the past, feeling victimized and fearful, which leads to a self-imposed isolation. You should use your inward journey to solve this, to finally see and accept those cups that are being offered to you.

In the realm of love:

The Four of Cups suggests that you’re in a period of introspection. This doesn’t necessarily mean a crisis in your relationship or that you’re unwilling to meet new people if you’re single.
This introspection can be very positive, as it allows you to clear out old emotional baggage, letting go of past traumas, so you’re free to fully embrace love. On the other hand, it’s a negative sign if your introspection is about closing yourself off to opportunities out of fear of being hurt.

In the worst-case scenario, it means you’ve adopted a very selfish, closed-off stance, and that’s complicating things. It’s important to look at the other cards in the reading to determine what message the Four of Cups is trying to convey.

In terms of work:

The Four of Cups is positive in that opportunities are there, whether you’re unemployed and looking for a job or currently employed.
If you’re already working, interesting opportunities such as promotions, new businesses, or expansions are on the horizon. However, the main point this card highlights is that beyond these opportunities in front of you, you must focus inward to understand what’s best for you.

It’s not just about taking an opportunity because it’s available; you need to consider other factors that may be as or even more important than the opportunity itself.

In terms of finances and money:

The message is similar to that of work. It’s undoubtedly a good sign that opportunities are available to you, but it’s up to you to weigh them carefully and make the right choice.
This card’s message is twofold: on one hand, it could indicate that there are many favorable opportunities that you’re not seeing because you’re stuck in your ways and refusing to budge.

On the other hand, it may suggest that not everything that glitters is gold, and as promising as these opportunities may seem, it’s wise to think them over carefully.

In health matters:

The Four of Cups may indicate that you’re refusing to face or accept a particular issue. You have opportunities and various alternatives, but you’re sitting there with your arms crossed, doing nothing. If you have a pain or discomfort, get it checked out. Ignoring or being indifferent to the problem won’t solve it.


The Four of Cups, in its most positive message, draws a parallel with Buddha. Beyond the many offers of the material or spiritual world, the most important thing is to contemplate your own self. Take an inner journey to find the “enlightenment” you need to find your path.
Right now, you may be unwilling to go within, indifferent and apathetic, so it’s time to change that and find the space to meditate and reflect on your problems.

The Four of Cups reversed:

The Four of Cups reversed
The Four of Cups reversed

General meaning:

In some ways, this card reversed presents the same message as it does upright: there are opportunities in front of you that you’re letting slip by, whether deliberately or because you’re so focused inward, so lost in thought, that you simply can’t see them.
It also suggests that you’re going through a period of withdrawal from others, choosing isolation to protect yourself from emotional pain. You feel that by cutting off interaction, you’re keeping yourself safe. Keep in mind, though, how this might affect those around you.

However, the card is generally more favorable when reversed than upright.

The positive side of the reversed Four of Cups is that it usually indicates you’re slowly leaving behind introspection and are once again open to reconnecting with others—whether it’s your partner, family, work environment, or all the small and large things life brings us each day.

You’re gradually emerging from the darkness and are ready to face the light with much less fear.

Self-pity and indulgence are giving way to healthier and more productive emotional states.

There has been a healing process, or at least the beginning of one, that gives you a new perspective on your life and everything in it. This is an opportunity you should not miss.

The Four of Cups depicts a scene where a young person crosses their arms, refusing to see the opportunities before them, even if they’re as big and obvious as that giant hand offering a large cup.

When the card is reversed, it means you’re slowly uncrossing your arms, starting to look again, paying attention, and finally considering all the things being offered to you.

The most important thing is that, thanks to a process you’ve gone through during your introspection, you’ve learned to sift through these opportunities, separating the wheat from the chaff and keeping the ones that could genuinely benefit you the most.

Previously, you made mistakes by taking everything that was offered without analyzing or thinking it through. After a deep inward journey, where you sought answers, you are now better equipped to evaluate and discern what’s valuable and what’s not.

Now, you’re open to these things because they all have merit and are useful, and the risk of loss or pain is much smaller now.

In love:

The reversed Four of Cups is a positive sign. You’re slowly coming out of isolation, either because you’ve found the answers you were looking for or because you’ve been able to see beyond yourself. Just as you don’t want to get hurt, you also don’t want to hurt anyone else.
It’s a time for opening up, reconnecting, and being available for new opportunities. Perhaps you’ve let go of a closed-off attitude and are now ready to engage in dialogue and cooperation, understanding that communication is always the key to resolving issues.

In terms of work:

The options are now fewer, but that’s because you’ve finally filtered through them, focusing on one or two that seem the most viable and positive.
There’s a slightly negative tone when it comes to timing—there may be a longer wait than usual for a project to materialize or for a new job if you’re searching—but this delay is due to the fact that, along the way, the choices will be narrowed down, leaving only the best ones available.

In terms of money:

This could mean that you’ve let some opportunities slip away, and they’re unlikely to come back.
The positive side, however, is that you’ve come out of the isolation you were in, and now you’re open and ready to find and take advantage of new favorable opportunities.

It could also mean that from the many options that were available, only the most suitable ones remain, and now you’re in a position to tackle them.

In many ways, the Four of Cups is one of the cards that often has a more positive meaning when reversed than when upright.


The Four of Cups may indicate that you’re refusing to face or accept a particular issue. You have opportunities and various alternatives, but you’re sitting there with your arms crossed, doing nothing.
If you have a pain or discomfort, get it checked out. Ignoring or being indifferent to the problem won’t solve it.


When it comes to spirituality, the Four of Cups, in its most positive message, draws a parallel with Buddha. Beyond the many offers of the material or spiritual world, the most important thing is to contemplate your own self.
Take an inner journey to find that “enlightenment” you need to find your path. Make the time to meditate and reflect on your problems.

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