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The Meaning of the Pillars in Tarot

The meaning of the pillars holds central symbolism related to balance, something that plays an important role in many Tarot cards.

Usually, these pillars in the card’s imagery are presented in a way that frames and centers the entire scene, conveying a sense of balance and a centered, moderate stance right from the visuals.

The Meaning of the Pillars in Tarot

The Pillars Anchor Perspectives

When pillars appear in our readings, it’s time to consider issues related to balance, diplomacy, tact, and strategy.
It’s always about adopting a middle stance, staying equidistant, impartial, and perhaps even fair. It’s a sign that following this “middle path” may be more beneficial than taking a shortcut that seems so promising.

Additionally, they lead us to the heart of things, and instead of seeing everything as left or right, black or white—in extremes—we might want to consider a middle path, a third option or perspective that’s more balanced and offers a fresh outlook.

Tarot Cards Featuring Pillars

These are the cards that depict pillars in their imagery: los pilares en el tarot

The High Priestess

The High Priestess in TarotIn the High Priestess card, we see her seated between two columns, one black and one white. These two pillars introduce us to the concept of duality and recognizing the opposites in life.
In this way, they symbolize darkness and light, suggesting that it’s the High Priestess who guides us on the journey into the depths.

It’s also said that these two pillars belong to the Tree of Life, with the left pillar being “Boaz,” which means strength, and the right one being “Jachin,” which means wisdom.

The middle pillar is called the pillar of balance and is represented by the High Priestess herself.

The Hierophant

The HierophantIn the Hierophant card, the meaning of the pillars is similar to what we observe in the High Priestess, representing life’s opposites and how the Hierophant brings them together and integrates them.
However, the pillars in both cards are different. In the Hierophant, they are made of grey stone, contrasting with the light and dark pillars of the High Priestess: while she represents hidden and private vision, he represents the mediated grace that becomes visible, accessible faith.

The decoration at the top of the grey pillars flanking the Hierophant has been identified as either an acorn or a pinecone; however, it also resembles a woman’s womb, suggesting that the Hierophant protects the “feminine” secrets of the High Priestess.

The Meaning of the Pillars


Justice in the Rider TarotIn the Justice card of the Major Arcana, the co-creator of the deck, Arthur Waite, says that the Justice pillars open up to a different world than the one seen in the High Priestess—perhaps the material world versus the divine world.
This materiality is reflected in the square motifs on the crown, the Justice’s red robe, and the white foot peeking out from beneath, all echoing the idea of pure intent imprinted on a material world.

Unlike the dark and light pillars of the High Priestess, the pillars in Justice are made of pure, natural stone, without any inscriptions or craftsmanship, representing absolute impartiality.

The Three of Pentacles

The Three of Pentacles Tarot CardIn the Three of Pentacles card from the Minor Arcana, the only visible pillar brings this primary sense of balance, moderation, and diplomacy.
Here, we see three different people: the laborer, the cleric who “owns” the place, and a wealthy person who is likely financing the work. Their differences lie in social class, culture, knowledge, skills, and capabilities.

But to carry the project forward, all of these aspects must coexist, combining with tact, respect, and balance.

This is a card about perfect teamwork, where every part is vital but cannot achieve anything alone. It needs the other parts to meet its goals and objectives.

The meaning of the pillars in Tarot is fully realized in this card, representing the perfect sense of balance and centrality.

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