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The number 3 in Tarot

The Number 3 and Its Meaning in the Tarot Deck

The number 3 in Tarot for some reason seems a bit tricky to grasp. From the joyful Three of Cups to the painful meaning of the Three of Swords, from teamwork in the Three of Pentacles to the effective manifestation in the Three of Wands… what do they have in common?
It helps me to picture a three-legged stool. Two legs won’t give us stability, but three will. In the twos, we make decisions, and by the time we reach the threes, we see the concrete realization of those decisions.

General Themes of the Number 3

The Number 3 in the Major Arcana

The number three in tarotThe number three in the Major Arcana echoes in The Empress. This is linked to procreation and abundance. She is the generative force behind life and creation, bringing about the manifestation of creative energy through the union of several elements in just the right measure.
Astrologically, Jupiter and Venus are associated with the number three, and Venus is the planet of The Empress too. Venus governs our feminine side, as well as relationships and the things we desire.

There’s no denying the importance of the number 3 in mysticism and religion: Judaism speaks of the three patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Christianity has the Trinity, the union of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in one God.

Hinduism has the Trimurti (three forms) embodied in the three gods Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. A devout Muslim strives to make a pilgrimage to the three holy cities of Islam: Mecca, Medina, and Jerusalem. In Wicca, we see the “rule of three,” the “Triple Goddess” in pagan religions, and we can add the Greek concept of the “Three Graces.”

That’s why the number three in tarot is fundamentally a TRINITY. The word “trinity” comes from “trinitas,” which conveys the idea of three distinct entities coming together to work or operate as one. It signifies the importance of always having a third element in the equation, for better or worse, depending on the context.

The Number 3 in the Minor Arcana

The Three of Swords

The number three in tarotThe Three of Swords is often seen as one of the “bad” cards in the tarot. There’s a heavy atmosphere of sadness and pain in this image, which feels more suited to the suit of Cups, symbolizing emotions.
Symbolically, it suggests a decisive push that breaks the deadlock seen in the Two of Swords. Therefore, the Three of Swords can signify a decisive, maybe aggressive or painful resolution to a dilemma.

Swords, representing communication and thought, affect our emotions, and as such, the image of the pierced heart speaks to the union of three states, arguments, problems, or ideas that reveal a (sometimes) painful truth.

However, this card can also represent another concept of three, which is resolution and reconciliation. The Three of Swords is the necessary third element that makes the truth real, allowing the heart to reconcile with the reality and truth of the situation.

In this way, this three brings a kind of relief, breaking the tension created by the opposing truths in the Two of Swords, making healing and wholeness possible.

The Three of Cups

The number three in tarotThe Three of Cups seems to be the complete opposite of the Three of Swords, but the aspect of the trinity is clearly visible in both.
The Three of Cups depicts a delightful scene of three women enjoying each other’s company and celebrating the abundance of their work.

This card often reminds us of the iconography of the Triple Goddess and paintings of the “Three Graces.” As such, it brings to mind the wholeness of creation and the joy and happiness of human interaction and charity.

It reflects The Empress in her feminine aspect, as well as in the natural abundance of the earth. The union of the three figures clearly shows the trinity, as they are one in spirit and dance. There’s another similarity between the Three of Swords and the Three of Cups in the concept of reconciliation.

Cups, symbolizing emotions, can represent both difficult and positive emotions. So, when difficulties arise between two people, whether in a romantic relationship, with colleagues, or friends, sometimes a third person can be incredibly helpful in bringing them together.

Additionally, this card can represent a scenario in a new relationship where the couple begins to connect with family and others, which elevates their relationship to a new level, making it more solid and “real” as others recognize them as a distinct entity but united.

It’s the recognition and affirmation of society that creates the couple’s identity as a unit—becoming “one heart.”

The Three of Wands

The number three in tarotThe Three of Wands can sometimes be confusing, as it shows a lone figure on a hill with three long wands, looking out to sea. The energy of the three isn’t as easily visible in this image.
Wands represent creative energy and action that leads to results. With this in mind, and remembering the planning that occurred in the Two of Wands, the figure in the Three of Wands is witnessing the results of both that planning and the energy put into it, with action that brings successful outcomes.

It also suggests the creative collaboration of a small group focused on a common goal, even though only one person is shown on the card. The efforts are symbolized by the three wands. They provide support, and the other two reflect the combined efforts of others. Together, the three bring the necessary energy and support to achieve a concrete result.

Thus, the Three of Wands embodies the qualities of creativity, trinity, and manifestation through the unique qualities of the Wands suit, which are creative visualization and energetic effort.

We see one person, true, but there’s a triple presence. The person observes the achievement, but it’s brought about by their effort combined with two other factors. For instance: “I decided (Two of Wands) to move abroad for work.

Success is guaranteed, but it’s not just because of me. It’s also because I have a competent partner there and the support of my family.” It’s an achievement or success that occurs because three factors come together.

The Three of Pentacles

The number three in tarotThe Three of Pentacles shows the results of the energetic balance seen in the Two of Pentacles, through which the querent can achieve mastery in at least one area of action that brings tangible rewards.
While the juggler in the Two may be burning the candle at both ends for a while, this leads to the realization of the Three, where others now seek out their expertise and skill for cooperative work.

This is the ultimate card of teamwork, whether in the workplace, financial matters, or even emotionally. It can speak to the material world as much as to the teamwork of a couple or family in their emotions and affections, for just because Pentacles deal with the material doesn’t mean they don’t touch upon love and other abstractions of existence.

Many picture this card as a master artisan at work, often with others, but just as often working alone. However, the basic components of their success can be seen in the time spent balancing, for example, work and school, or money and time.

This brings a third tangible element that provides financial or structural stability to their efforts. It’s by no means a time to rest on one’s laurels, though. This card, as a three, indicates a “first completion” of efforts, not a final achievement.

It reminds us that we’re never really done learning, creating, and growing in order to achieve success.

This is a card that highlights the importance of feedback—learning from others while also teaching.

In all four suits, and in all four threes in the deck, the same theme of cooperation, of relying on others, of achievements thanks to this synchronicity with others, becomes clear. It’s the third leg of the stool that finally gives us stability, a reasonably firm base of support.

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